
It’s a clean dream.

There’s a dry cleaners on every Brooklyn corner. Landau’s Cleaners offers you a lifestyle.

  • Drivers Trained in Concierge

    Every client becomes a member of the Landau’s VIP family. Our trained and vetted drivers get to know your preferences, your schedule and may even have access to the pickup and drop off section of your home.

    It’s dry cleaning, the
    white glove way.
  • Preservation & Restoration Knowledge

    You spend time and money choosing your wardrobe and you want the fabric and its chic to be preserved as long as possible. Landau’s has extensive knowledge on how to maintain those fabrics and even restore them to their original sheen when things go wrong.

    It’s dry cleaning, the
    professional way.
  • Proactive Perfection

    Landau’s becomes in charge of your wardrobe. And not just keeping it clean. If we notice anything else on your garment that needs mending or sewing to, we take the initiative to fix it, to perfect it or to enhance it. It’s not something the client should ever have to ask for.

    It’s dry cleaning, the
    ideal way.
  • Turning Errand into Experience

    Walking into the Landau’s Premium Dry Cleaners is an experience unto itself. Instead of the hot, sweaty and harried environment you may be used to, you’ll be wrapped in an ambiance of high-end decor, fresh odors and polished staff.

    It’s dry cleaning, the
    luxurious way.

There’s a Method to the Luxury.

What does 60 years of expertise, knowledge and research translate to?
A high-end, effective and foolproof method to dry cleaning.

Step 1.



The first thing we do when the garment arrives is inspect every detail. We establish the fabric type and the method used for its composition. We remove any appliques or accessories that may get ruined in the cleaning process. Prominent stains are clearly marked for further treatment

Only once the garment has been thoroughly inspected and prepared can the actual cleaning start.

Step 2.



Stains will be treated and removed using gentle, yet effective techniques. We aim to preserve the quality of the garment while removing every trace of those stains. No stain has ever been stubborn enough to resist our tried and proven removal techniques.

Step 3.

Dry Cleaning

Dry Cleaning

Here’s where the magic happens. After evaluating and analyzing the materials, our skilled staff will determine the most suitable method of cleaning the garment. Using only the greenest detergents, your garment will be cleaned using the latest that technology has to offer + the most meticulous attention to detail.

Step 4.

Touch Ups

Touch Ups

Since our clients have come to expect perfection and we’re proud to provide it, the process doesn’t end with the dry cleaning. Instead, the garment will get a thorough inspection to make sure no spot was missed and no detail went unaddressed. Any discrepant details will then be finished by hand. Then the garment will be pressed using the crispest of heat methods.

Step 5.



We like to go beyond the call of duty. During the initial inspection, we will take note of any minor repairs and factor them into the process. Loose buttons will be tightened, dropped hems will be fastened and any missing appliques will be readjusted.

Step 6.

Final Inspection

Final Inspection

Once all the cleaning and repairs are complete, we will give your garment a final once over to make sure no detail was missed and that your garment passes our standards and yours.

Step 7.

Wrapping it Up

Wrapping it Up

We value your garment and we value aesthetics. We will package your garment in a protective and luxurious manner as befits a piece of your distinguished wardrobe. At this point, your garment is finally ready to be reunited with you, its owner.

Come over to the cleaner side.